List of Trees

Wel­come to Shel­by Avenue Arbore­tum tree index. This is a com­pre­hen­sive resource for under­stand­ing the case array of tree species through­out the arbore­tum. Each tree species plant­ed in and around the project can be found in this sec­tion with detailed infor­ma­tion about the tree species, how it grows, uses, and why it makes a good fit for the space. 

Use the options below to sort and find a spe­cif­ic tree in the arbore­tum and learn more about it. The goal of this index is to offer you bet­ter insight and appre­ci­a­tion of each tree in the project. 

The index explains the following: 

  1. The name com­mon name of the tree
  2. The sci­en­tif­ic name of the tree
  3. His­to­ry of the tree species
  4. Sci­en­tif­ic facts about the tree
  5. Basic grow­ing con­di­tions and recommendations 
  6. Basic land­scape attrib­ut­es and recommendations

If you’re a Nashville res­i­dent that could plant a tree, this is a guide for under­stand­ing what will work best on your prop­er­ty. We will also offer resources to con­nect you with local area nurs­eries where you can source the trees you see grow­ing in the project.