Japanese Maple (Emperor)

 Japanese Maple (Emperor)
 Japanese Maple (Emperor)
 Japanese Maple (Emperor)
 Japanese Maple (Emperor)
 Japanese Maple (Emperor)
 Japanese Maple (Emperor)
 Japanese Maple (Emperor)

Common Names

Emperor I® Japanese Maple Palmate Maple Smooth Japanese Maple

Scientific Names

Acer palmatum 'Wolff' Sapindaceae family
Basic Landscape Attributes
Height Range: 
Fall Colors: 
Width Range: 
Flower Type: 
Japanese Maple (Emperor)

History of
the Tree Species

Japanese Maple is native to Japan, Korea, China, eastern Mongolia, and southeast Russia Today, many cultivars have been selected for varieties of forms, leaf shapes, and colors Cultivar originally observed in the early 1960s before being introduced in 1992 Dick Wolff of Red Maple Nurseries in Media, PA, purchased it in 1994

Basic Growing Conditions

Full to partial sun Prefers moist, organically rich, slightly acidic, well-drained soil Low maintenance
Japanese Maple (Emperor)
Japanese Maple (Emperor)

Scientific Facts

A popular subject of art, especially in Asia Preparations of leaves and branches used in traditional Chinese medicine Emperor I offers one of the best red amoenums, retaining a deep color in shade and summer heat alike

Location on tree on Shelby Ave: