Firecracker Plant
Scarlet Buckeye
Woolly Buckeye
Aesculus pavia (formerly Pavia Rubra)
Sapindaceae family
Native to southern and eastern U.S.
"Buckeye" name derives from whitish scar found on each brown seed
"Red" refers to the deep red flowers it produces during spring
Full sun to partial shade
Grows in acidic, loamy, moist, rich, sandy, silty loam, well-drained soils
Distinguished from other varieties buy its striking red flowers
Large, nut-like seeds are poisonous to humans
Powedered bark is hypnotic and odontalgic
Used in the treatment of ulcers
Poultice of powdered seeds have been used to treat cancer tumors and infections
Infusion of the roots have been used as a bath to treat dyspepsia
Location on tree on Shelby Ave: