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Crab Apple
Common Names
American Crab Apple
Scientific Names
Rosaceae family
Basic Landscape Attributes
Height Range:
Fall Colors:
Width Range:
Flower Type:
History of
the Tree Species
A genus of 30-55 known species of small deciduous trees/shrubs
Originated in mountainous regions of Central Asia (modern day Kazakhstan)
Became popular cultivars and spread throughout the continent on the Silk Road, after which 800 distinct species were created
Genus is native to the temperate zone of the Northern Hemisphere
Popular ornamental trees for their blossoms (spring) and fruit (fall)
Some crabapples used as rootstocks and pollinizers to aid domestic apple growth and durability
Basic Growing Conditions
Full sun to partial shade
No specific soil preference but do best in moist, well-drained, slightly acidic soils
Adaptable to poor soil and drought onditions
Scientific Facts
Though the raw fruit isn't edible for humans, they can be used as condiments
Crabapple wood releases a pleasant aroma when burned slowly
The malic and tartaric acids within the fruits have been traditionally used to neutralize acidic effects of gout and indigestion
Location on tree on Shelby Ave: