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Hedge Maple
Common Names
Field Maple
Scientific Names
Acer campestre
Sapindaceae (soapberry) family
Basic Landscape Attributes
Height Range:
25-35 ft. height
Fall Colors:
Dark green, glossy foliage, Green-yellow in fall
Width Range:
25-35 ft. spread
Flower Type:
Yellow-green monoecious flowers
Dense, rounded shape
History of
the Tree Species
Native to continental Europe, Britain, Southwest Asia from Turkey to the Caucasus, and North Africa in the Atlas Mountains.
The strong, white wood is used for furniture, flooring, wood turning, and musical instruments.
Small size and slow growth limit the usefulness of wood on a mass scale.
Has won the Royal Horticultural Society's Award of Garden Merit.
Basic Growing Conditions
Full sun to partial shade
Prefers moist, well-drained soil
Tolerates alkaline soil, dry conditions, and road salt
Scientific Facts
The sap can be turned into a drink or concentrated into a syrup/sweetener via boiling
Sap contains a lower concentration of sugar than sugar maples (A. saccharum)
Best sap production occurs in cold-winter areas with continental climates
Bark is astringent and slightly anticholesterolemic -- decoction has been used to bathe sore eyes
Location on tree on Shelby Ave: