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Pin Oak
Common Names
Swamp Spanish Oak
Swamp Oak
Water Oak
Scientific Names
Quercus palustris
Fagaceae family
Basic Landscape Attributes
Height Range:
60-70 ft. height
Fall Colors:
Russet, bronze, and red in fall
Width Range:
25-40 ft. spread
Flower Type:
Yellow-green catkins and spikes
Pyramidal shape
History of
the Tree Species
Name derived from its short and tough branchlets.
Also known as the Swamp or Wet Oak because of its high moisture tolerance.
First scientifically observed before 1770.
Basic Growing Conditions
Full sun
Prefers acidic, clay, loamy, moist, rich, sandy, well-drained, wet soils
Tolerates wet conditions, including moderate flooding
Tolerates pollution
Tolerates drought
Scientific Facts
Acorns are edible after removing tannins via boiling or leaching
Acorn powder can be used to thicken soups and stews
Native Americans would grind acorns for coffee-like drinks
Has been used in the treatment of hemorrhages, chronic diarrhea, and dysentery
Bark has been used to treat colds
Also been used as a bug repellant
Today, wood is used for furniture, flooring, interior trim, and shingles
Location on tree on Shelby Ave: