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American Beech
Common Names
North American Beech
Scientific Names
Fagus grandifolia
Fagaceae family
Basic Landscape Attributes
Height Range:
Fall Colors:
Width Range:
Flower Type:
History of
the Tree Species
Native to eastern North America
Signaled fertile soil to early settlers
Often cleared away to make way for farming
Wood is hard and relatively light, used for bentwood furniture and firewood
Bark is smooth in uniform, good for carving
Sometimes planted as ornamental tree
Basic Growing Conditions
Full sun
Grows in acidic, loamy, moist, sandy, silty loam, well-drained, and clay soils
Highly sensitive to drought
Scientific Facts
Beech buds are slim and long, resembling cigars
Beech nuts are sweet and nutritious, can be eaten raw by animals and humans or cooked
Nuts can also be ground into coffee-like substitute
Young beech leaves can be used as a potherb, cooked or raw
Nuts can be used as a vermifuge
Tea made from bark used to treat lung ailments and more
Location on tree on Shelby Ave: