Japanese Maple (Twombly's Red Sentinel)

 Japanese Maple (Twombly's Red Sentinel)
 Japanese Maple (Twombly's Red Sentinel)
 Japanese Maple (Twombly's Red Sentinel)
 Japanese Maple (Twombly's Red Sentinel)
 Japanese Maple (Twombly's Red Sentinel)
 Japanese Maple (Twombly's Red Sentinel)
 Japanese Maple (Twombly's Red Sentinel)
 Japanese Maple (Twombly's Red Sentinel)
 Japanese Maple (Twombly's Red Sentinel)
 Japanese Maple (Twombly's Red Sentinel)

Common Names

Twombley Scarlet Sentinel

Scientific Names

  • Acer palmatum 'Twombly Red Sentinel'
  • Sapindaceae family
Basic Landscape Attributes
Height Range: 
Fall Colors: 
Width Range: 
Flower Type: 
Japanese Maple (Twombly's Red Sentinel)

History of
the Tree Species

  • Native to Japan, Korea, eastern Russia, and Mongolia
  • Ken Twombly in the late 1970s saw a large specimen of the "Bloodgood" Japanese Maple variety while visiting a church in eastern Connecticut — took it to his nursery nearby
  • What differentiated this tree was an unusual clump of compact, upright branches
  • After being cultivated, their upright form was so dramatic that they resembled red sentinels on guard, hence the name
  • To this day, it's the only columnar Japanese Maple out there

Basic Growing Conditions

  • Full to partial sun
  • Prefers moist, organically rich, slightly acidic, well-drained soil
  • Low maintenance
Japanese Maple (Twombly's Red Sentinel)
Japanese Maple (Twombly's Red Sentinel)

Scientific Facts

  • A unique tree that makes for strong accents in small gardens -- also good at filling small spaces
  • Preparations of Japanese Maple leaves and branches used in traditional Chinese medicine

Location on tree on Shelby Ave: