Yoshino Cherry

 Yoshino Cherry
 Yoshino Cherry
 Yoshino Cherry
 Yoshino Cherry
 Yoshino Cherry
 Yoshino Cherry
 Yoshino Cherry
 Yoshino Cherry
 Yoshino Cherry

Common Names

Japanese Flowering Cherry

Yoshino Flowering Cherry 

Scientific Names

Prunus x yedoensis

Rosacae family 

Basic Landscape Attributes
Height Range: 
Fall Colors: 
Width Range: 
Flower Type: 
Yoshino Cherry

History of
the Tree Species

(See #2 and #7)

Native to Japan and introduced to America in 1902

Considered the darling of the flowering tree world

Star of the National and International Cherry Blossom festivals

Clone of a single tree and propagated via grafting 

Basic Growing Conditions

Full sun to partial shade

Highly versatile -- grows in acidic, loamy, moist, sandy, well-drained, and clay soils

Prefer moisture but tolerates some drought 

Yoshino Cherry
Yoshino Cherry

Scientific Facts

Primarily grown for ornamental purposes (spring most especially)

After flowering, it sometimes produces small black fruit enjoyed by birds and other wildlife -- not toxic to humans but not too tasty

Fruit-bearing cultivars used in Asian folk medicine for heart ailments, gout, tooth pain, and more

Fruit contains antioxidative properties 

Location on tree on Shelby Ave: