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Texas White Redbud
Common Names
Texas White
Texas Redbud
Judas Tree
Scientific Names
Cercis canadensis 'Texas White'
Fabaceae family
Basic Landscape Attributes
Height Range:
15-20 ft. height
Fall Colors:
Thick, glossy dark-green, heart-shaped leaves, Orange to yellow in fall
Width Range:
10-15 ft. spread
Flower Type:
Milky white flowers are borne in clusters of 2-8 on bare stems
Rounded shape
History of
the Tree Species
Native to Texas and southwest U.S.
Has many cultivars
Basic Growing Conditions
Full sun to partial shade
Not particular to soil type or pH but prefers moist, but well draining soil that is rich in organic matter
Adaptable to dry soils and high temperatures
Scientific Facts
Leaves have seven major veins, distinguishing it from other Redbuds
A fluid extract can be taken from the bark, which is an active astringent used in the treatment of dysentery
The acidic flowers are fried in Mexico and sometimes pickled for salads
Nectar is of some value as a source of honey
Location on tree on Shelby Ave: