The Serviceberry (genus Amelanchier) genus includes ~20 species of flowering shrubs and small trees of the rose family (Rosaceae)
Most species are North American (except for European snowy Mespilus (Amelanchier ovalis), and Asian serviceberry/Korean juneberry (A. asiatica)
"Shadbush" refers to the tendency of certain species to produce their profuse small blossoms when American shad (Alosa sapidissima) swim upriver to spawn in early spring
Several species of serviceberries have entered cultivation as ornamental plants, and some species bear fruit that is used in making jellies
Basic Growing Conditions
Partial sun
Moist, well-drained soil
Tolerates alkaline and clay soil
Scientific Facts
The fruit, (pomes) ripen in autumn and are edible, can be eaten raw or cooked
The fruit has a sweet flavor
The bark can be made into a herbal medicine for expectant mothers