Alley Cat Redbud

 Alley Cat Redbud
 Alley Cat Redbud
 Alley Cat Redbud
 Alley Cat Redbud
 Alley Cat Redbud
 Alley Cat Redbud
 Alley Cat Redbud
 Alley Cat Redbud
 Alley Cat Redbud
 Alley Cat Redbud
 Alley Cat Redbud
 Alley Cat Redbud
 Alley Cat Redbud
 Alley Cat Redbud
 Alley Cat Redbud
 Alley Cat Redbud

Common Names

  • Eastern Redbud
  • Judas Tree
  • Love Tree
  • Alley Cat Variegated Redbud

Scientific Names

  • Cercis canadensis 'Alley Cat'
  • Fabaceae family
Basic Landscape Attributes
Height Range: 
20-30 ft. height
Fall Colors: 
Green-white variegated foliage, Yellow-green in fall
Width Range: 
25-35 ft. spread
Flower Type: 
Purple-pink flowers
Oval shape

History of
the Tree Species

  • Found growing wild in an alley by Alan Bush in Kentucky
  • Then given to Harald Neubauer of Hidden Hollow Nursery to introduce

Basic Growing Conditions

  • Full sun to partial shade
  • Prefers well-drained soil
  • Black Walnut tolerant
  • Clay Soil tolerant
 Alley Cat Redbud
 Alley Cat Redbud

Scientific Facts

  • Important source of pollen
  • Redbud tree flowers, pods, and seeds are edible raw or cooked
  • Tea made from the inner bark of redbud is highly astringent, used in the treatment of fevers, diarrhea, and dysentery
  • A cold infusion of the roots and inner bark have been used to treat various chest complaints, including whooping cough and congestion

Location on tree on Shelby Ave: